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Window thermos replacement

Sale and installation of thermal windows

It's time to change the window thermos!

Vision problems with your windows? Fog between the two glass surfaces? No way to clean your windows properly? The window’s thermal unit is probably unsealed. No need to buy a new window. The solution: replace the window’s thermal unit that is unsealed. A thermal unit whose glass has been perforated no longer has the characteristics of a sealed unit. For energy-efficient windows, opt for sealed units. The main function of insulated glass is to let daylight through while protecting you from the elements.
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What is a thermal window?

To reduce heat gain or loss through windows, two or more sheets of energy-efficient glass can be sealed together to create an insulating glass unit. Most sealed units consist of two glass sheets separated by a hermetically sealed space filled with air or gas. The glass sheets are joined together by a spacer along the perimeter. The spacer contains a moisture-absorbing material. This layer serves to keep the air or gas trapped inside the sealed unit free of visible moisture. The entire perimeter of the insulating glass unit is sealed with two sealants (double seal).
The advantages of thermo-sealed units

Why change the thermos of an unsealed window?

Eliminate the problem of fogging in the window

Let's be honest, an unsealed thermal window is not very aesthetic. When air gets inside the thermal window of your window, it looks dirty, stained or always foggy. Your view of the outside is also necessarily affected.

Extend the life of windows

Replacing thermal glass extends the life of your windows and costs about a quarter of the price of replacing a window. Why hesitate?

Save money and energy

When a thermal window is unsealed, the gas or air gap can no longer perform its insulating role, which results in heat loss through the windows in the winter and loss of freshness in the summer. The energy performance of a sealed unit can also be greatly improved by using different types of solar control glass, the type of spacer used and/or the addition of filler gas. For this reason, there are several types of energy-efficient glass on the market, which experts call LOW-E. Find out when replacing your thermal window!

Window thermos replacement: How to proceed?

To replace the thermal windows, you must first carefully remove the old thermal glass, which involves removing the exterior or interior frames, depending on the type of window. Once the old thermoses have been removed, the frames must be carefully cleaned and prepared to receive the new thermoses, which our glazing will have prepared to measure for you.

The new thermal windows can then be positioned in the window frame. The frames must then be replaced before sealing everything to prevent air leaks and humidity.

Turnkey service for thermos changing

Make your life easier by opting for our turnkey service for changing your thermos. Benefit from the expertise of our expert glaziers!

No need to change your windows

Replace thermal windows for a fraction of the price